Tuesday 31 March 2009

Knowledge Management systems

Knowledge in organisations are being acknowledged to be the key factors of resources as many of the prospective imply that the ability to organize knowledge in an organisation becomes the most important aspect for the organisational advantage, that is been stated by Teece (1998), Tsai and Ghoshal (1999).initiating of knowledge management in organisations are now subsequently growing, that has become one of the most important aspect and also the firms started making investment on IT in deploying knowledge management system. According to Davenport et al. (1998), Pickering and King (1995), the organisations primary view of these initiatives are been concentrated in the new application development of information technology like data warehousing, storage, capturing and circulation of the explicitly documented knowledge of the organisation and also it plays a good role in technology based initiatives like in data base creation for experts and expertise profiling.

If we look in to what does knowledge management means? is very well been defined by Alavi and Leidner (1999)as the systematic and organisationally specified process for acquiring, organising and communicating knowledge of employees to employees in the organisation in order to make use of the knowledge in much effective manner to improve the efficiency and productivity in the operation. and in continuation of this ,Davenport et al.(1998) considers knowledge management system as the tool that makes an effect on managing the knowledge and that Clearly apparent to the sight or understand in various implementations.

KMS capabilities

The capabilities of knowledge management system are stated as creation, were there is being an encouragement that contributes to the system by the incorporation of incentive mechanism which also includes knowledge creation ability. The storage or the retrieval of KMS enhances content management functionality and central knowledge respiratory which makes accessing of knowledge in a easier and quicker manner. the capability of transfer comprises the report generation and presentation functionality that enhances the collaboration and knowledge sharing within the organisation and about the KMS application which is in the form of customisable interface enables a push strategy for the knowledge, and the in the management aspect KMS provides the interns give the usage metrics and tracking becomes a mechanism in quality assurance and integrity of knowledge.

Benefits of KMS on business aspects.

It’s the fact that each and every organisation will expect for something good by getting any new systems in to the play. In the context, KMS give a lot of benefits in the improvement of the corporate in business aspect.KMS improves productivity and effectiveness, by the accessing of al the collected knowledge over years and years what works in certain situation and will be in the position to collect the necessary data so that one could get proper knowledge and hence a better productivity. KMS also improves efficiency and cost savings, increases responsiveness, enhances better communication, innovation of the organisation improves and leading to new product development or new knowledge and hence increases market share.

[1]Alavi, M., and Leidner, D. E. “Knowledge Management Systems: Issues, Challenges, and Benefits,” Communications of theAIS (1:Article 7), 1999.
[2]Davenport, T. H., De Long, D. W., and Beers, M. C. “Successful Knowledge Management Projects,” Sloan Management Review,Winter 1998 1998, pp. 43-57.
[3]Pickering, J. M., and King, J. L. “Hardwiring Weak Ties: Interorganizational Computer-Mediated Communication, OccupationalCommunities, and Organizational Change,” Organization Science (6:4), 1995, pp. 479-486.
[4]Teece, D. J. “Capturing Value from Knowledge Assets,” California Management Review (40:3), 1998, pp. 55-79.
[5]Tsai, W., and Ghoshal, S. “Social Capital and Value Creation: The Role of Intrafirm Networks,” Academy of Management Journal (41:4), 1999, pp. 464-476.

Knowledge Management in Organizations

will be poster soon